fractions routine visual

I have been thinking about extending the Fraction Talk love ever since I wrote this initial post in June 2015. 

I have used them with my grade nine classes as the starter during units on rational numbers. I have taken the larger questions (such as “What possible fractions can be shaded using this diagram?”) as the prompt for entire lessons of student activity. I have used them to create great conversations with grade 7 and 8 students at our school’s annual math fair. 

I finally found the time (honestly, I found the tech guy… many thanks to @evandcole) to begin a collection of images and house them in a central location. 

That location is

The site is modelled after other #MTBoS spin-offs like, visual, and

The goal is to create a usable resource for teachers to begin building fraction numeracy with their students. There is also the opportunity for you (or your students) to create and contribute groups of images on the CONTACT/SUBMIT page. 

The content is organized into categories based on the type of shape. A brief rationale is provided on a HOW TO… page and the FRACTION TALKS HANDOUT page has a downloadable .pdf recorder sheet for teachers hoping to create a fraction talk routine with students. 

As teachers, your feedback is very important to me. I want to make this as usable as possible. You can tweet (@FractionTalks) or email (fractiontalks at gmail dot com) your feedback. 
(Twitter is, by far, the most effective way to contact)

Enjoy, invent, contribute!


4 replies on “”

Solid stuff Nat! Thanks for getting the site together.
Wondering if it would be beneficial to include a list of general questions to ask as an extension to the fractiontalk for the day. Example: "If the color ___________ has a value of 2/3, what is the value of the entire shape?" "If the entire shape has a value of 1 and 1/2, what is the value of each piece?"

Just thinking and sharing some thoughts out loud here. Cheers.

Hello! I loved your fraction talks website and use it as openers but it does not seem to be working this fall. Have you changed the website domain? Please let me know – I’d love to keep using your fraction talk images!

Hey! We updated some things last month and it looks like it went offline for a bit (unexpectedly).
Should all be good now! Happy Fraction Talk-ing!!

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