Invited ∩ Conference Presentations
Banting, N. (2024, May). The Mathematical Brilliance of Bending Rules. Featured session at the OAME Annual Math Conference 2024, Ontario Association for Mathematics Education, Kingston, ON.
Banting, N. (2024, May). The Mathematical Power of Building to Specifications. Workshop at the OAME Annual Math Conference 2024, Ontario Association for Mathematics Education, Kingston, ON.
Banting, N. (2023, October). The Floor is Lava: Creating Mathematical Possibility by Constraining Mathematical Possibility. Keynote address at the 2023 MTA October Conference, Mathematics Teachers’ Association of the Nova Scotia Teachers’ Union, Halifax, NS
Banting, N. (2023, October). Planning Vibrant Math Lessons by Focusing on Mathematical Decision Making. Workshop at the 2023 MTA October Conference, Mathematics Teachers’ Association of the Nova Scotia Teachers’ Union, Halifax, NS
Banting, N. (2023, October). In Search of the Basics of Mathematics Teaching and Learning. Keynote address at the 50e Session de Perfectionnement, Groupe des Responsibilites en Mathematique au Secondaire, Victoriaville, QC.
Banting, N. (2023, October). The Floor is Lava: Creating Mathematical Possibility by Constraining Mathematical Possibility. Keynote address at the Manitoba Association of Mathematics Teachers PD Day, Winnipeg, MB.
Banting, N. (2023, October). Planning Vibrant Math Lessons by Focusing on Mathematical Decision Making. Workshop at the Manitoba Association of Mathematics Teachers PD Day, Winnipeg, MB.
Banting, N. (2023, June). Hot Dogs and Mathematics Education: A Career Sandwiched between Research and Practice. Topic Session at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group, Regina, SK.
Banting, N. (2023, May). Planning Vibrant Math Lessons by Focusing on Mathematical Decision Making. Morning workshop at Saskatchewan Understands Mathematics 2023, Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers’ Society, Saskatoon, SK.
Banting, N. (2023, May). The Floor is Lava: Creating Mathematical Possibility by Constraining Mathematical Possibility. Keynote address at Saskatchewan Understands Mathematics 2023, Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers’ Society, Saskatoon, SK.
Banting, N. (2022, December). Teaching Mathematics with Open Tasks. BU Pre-service Professional Development Day, Brandon University, Brandon, MN.
Banting, N. (2022, November). The Mathematical Power of Building to Specifications. Keynote address at LTS Coffee and a Keynote, Let’s Talk Science, London, ON.
Banting, N. (2022, November). Teaching Moves that Move Teaching. 2022 Making Math Moments Virtual Summit, Making Math Moments.
Banting, N. (2022, October). The Mathematical Power of Building to Specifications. Featured session at the 2022 BCAMT Fall Conference, British Columbia Association of Mathematics Teachers, Whistler, BC.
Banting, N. (2022, September). Fill in the Blank. Ignite Talk at the 2022 NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Los Angeles, CA. (Watch the video here)
Banting, N. (2022, September). Creating Mathematical Possibility by Constraining Mathematical Possibility. Featured presentation at the 2022 NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Los Angeles, CA.
Banting, N. (2022, July). Instigating Mathematical Activity by Changing Constraints. July 2022 Community of Practice Conference, Knowledgehook.
Banting, N. (2022, April). The Mathematical Power of Building to Specifications. 2022 O34ME Spring Virtual Mini-Conference, The Ottawa Zone for Mathematics Educators, Ottawa, ON.
Banting, N. (2021, November). Teaching Moves that Move Teaching. 2021 Making Math Moments Virtual Summit, Making Math Moments.
Banting, N. (2021, October). Building Mathematical Connections with a Decision-rich Practice. Featured session at the Virtual Northwest Mathematics Conference 2021, British Columbia Association of Mathematics Teachers.
Banting, N. (2021, September). The Mathematical Power of Building to Specifications. Keynote session at the September 2021 Community of Practice Conference, Knowledgehook.
Banting, N. (2021, July). Mathematical Opportunity for All: Building a Decision-rich Teaching Practice. Featured session at the QSLMA Summer Math Conference 2021, Quinte St. Lawrence Mathematics Association.
Banting, N. (2021, July). Developing Decision Makers with Menu Math. Morning workshop at the QSLMA Summer Math Conference 2021, Quinte St. Lawrence Mathematics Association.
Banting, N. (2021, July). Developing Decision Makers with Menu Math. Afternoon workshop at the QSLMA Summer Math Conference 2021, Quinte St. Lawrence Mathematics Association.
Banting, N. (2021, February). Teaching Mathematics in the Moment, Grades 8-12. Burnaby & Coquitlam School District Day, Burnaby School District #41 & Coquitlam School District #43.
Banting, N, (2020, December). Your Connection is Unstable. 2020 CMS Winter Meeting, Canadian Mathematical Society and the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group.
Banting, N. (2020, October). Forming and Transforming Student Mathematics in the Moment. BCAMT Virtual Conference 2020, British Columbia Association of Mathematics Teachers.
Banting, N. (2020, October). In Search of the Basics of Mathematics Teaching and Learning. Keynote address at the 2020 MCATA Fall Symposium, Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association, Red Deer, AB. (Conference cancelled)
Banting, N. (2020, October). Developing Decision Makers with Menu Math. 2020 MCATA Fall Symposium, Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association, Red Deer, AB. (Conference cancelled)
Banting, N. (2020, July). Hotdogs and Mathematics Education. 27th Adults Learning Mathematics Conference, Adults Learning Mathematics, Vancouver, BC. (Conference canceled)
Banting, N. (2020, May). In Search of the Basics of Mathematics Teaching and Learning. Keynote address at the NOMA Spring Mini-conference 2020, Northern Ontario Mathematic Association, North Bay, ON. (Conference cancelled)
Banting, N. (2020, May). Developing Decision Makers with Menu Math. NOMA Spring Mini-conference 2020, Northern Ontario Mathematic Association, North Bay, ON. (Conference cancelled)
Banting, N. (2020, April). In Search of the Basics of Mathematics Teaching and Learning. Keynote address at the 2020 O34ME Spring Forum, The Ottawa Zone for Mathematics Educators, Ottawa, ON. (Conference cancelled)
Banting, N. (2020, April). Developing Decision Makers with Menu Math in the Primary and Elementary Grades. 2020 O34ME Spring Forum, The Ottawa Zone for Mathematics Educators, Ottawa, ON. (Conference cancelled)
Banting, N. (2020, April). Developing Decision Makers with Menu Math in the Middle and Secondary Grades. 2020 O34ME Spring Forum, The Ottawa Zone for Mathematics Educators, Ottawa, ON. (Conference cancelled)
Banting, N. (2019, November). Back to Basics: (Re)Defining the Currency of Mathematics Learning. 2019 OAME Leadership Conference, Ontario Association for Mathematics Education, Toronto, ON.
Banting, N. (2019, October). Teaching Mathematics with Open Tasks. Afternoon Session at the First Annual SD No. 23 Numeracy Summit, Central Okanagan Public Schools, Kelowna, BC.
Banting, N. (2019, October). Teaching Mathematics with Open Tasks. Morning Session at the First Annual SD No. 23 Numeracy Summit, Central Okanagan Public Schools, Kelowna, BC.
Banting, N. (2019, August). The Power of Building to Specifications. Livingstone Range School Division Divisional Day 2019, Livingstone Range School Division No. 68, Nanton, AB.
Banting, N. (2019, August). Using the Number Line throughout the Early Years. Livingstone Range School Division Divisional Day 2019, Livingstone Range School Division No. 68, Nanton, AB.
Banting, N. (2019, July). Fraction Talks: Using the Area Model to its Full Potential. Virtual Math Summit 2019, Build Math Minds,
Banting, N. (2019, May). Teaching Spaces: Creating Mathematical Possibility by Constraining Mathematical Possibility. Featured Presentation at the 46th OAME Annual Conference, Ontario Association for Mathematics Education, Ottawa, ON.
Banting, N. (2019, May). Instigating Mathematical Activity by Changing Constraints. 46th OAME Annual Conference, Ontario Association for Mathematics Education, Ottawa, ON.
Banting, N. (2018, October). Teaching Spaces: Creating Mathematical Possibility by Constraining Mathematical Possibility. Closing Keynote at the 57th Annual Northwest Mathematics Conference, British Columbia Association of Math Teachers, Whistler, BC.
Banting, N. (2018, October). Creativity out of Context: Teaching Flexible Thinking with Algebraic Content. 57th Annual Northwest Mathematics Conference, British Columbia Association of Math Teachers, Whistler, BC.
Banting, N. (2018, March). Group Whiteboarding: Overcoming 8½ by 11 Mathematics. 2018 Mighty Peace Teachers’ Convention, The Alberta Teachers’ Association, Grande Prairie, AB.
Banting, N. (2018, March). Teaching Mathematics with Open Tasks. 2018 Mighty Peace Teachers’ Convention, The Alberta Teachers’ Association, Grande Prairie, AB.
Banting, N. (2018, March). Classroom Tasks to Support the Idea of Fraction-as-Number. 2018 Mighty Peace Teachers’ Convention, The Alberta Teachers’ Association, Grande Prairie, AB.
Banting, N. (2018, March). 16 Boxes: Classroom Routines that Promote Numerical Fluency. 2018 Mighty Peace Teachers’ Convention, The Alberta Teachers’ Association, Grande Prairie, AB.
Invited \ Conference Presentations
Banting, N. (2024, April). I suppose We Should Talk about Assessment. SJR Professional Development Day, St. John’s-Ravenscourt School, Winnipeg, MN.
Banting, N. (2024, March). Mathematics Memes: A Look at Society’s Viral Relationship with Mathematics. Invited talk at the SWOAME Math and Pizza Night, South Western Ontario Association for Mathematics Education, Windsor, ON.
Banting, N. (2023, November). Planning Vibrant Math Lessons by Focusing on Mathematical Decision Making. SJR Professional Development Day, St. John’s-Ravenscourt School, Winnipeg, MN.
Banting, N. (2023, October). The Floor is Lava: Creating Mathematical Possibility by Constraining Mathematical Possibility. Featured session at the Regina Teachers’ Convention. Regina Public School Teachers’ Association, Regina, SK.
Banting, N. (2022, October). The Mathematical Power of Building to Specifications. 2022 Manitoba Teachers’ Society Professional Development Day, Manitoba Association of Math Teachers, Winnipeg, MB.
Banting, N. (2022, February). Building Mathematical Connections with a Decision-rich Practice. Burnaby District Day, Burnaby School District #41, Burnaby, BC.
Banting, N. (2022, February). Developing Decision Makers with Menu Math. OCDSD Staff Development Series, Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, Ottawa, ON.
Banting, N. (2021, March). Engaging Teaching. USask Education Learning Community, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.
Banting, N. & Bourassa, M. (2020, May). Menu Math: Building Flexible Mathematical Thinkers. OCDSD Staff Development Series, Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, Ottawa, ON.
Banting, N. (2020, May). Making Mathematical Sense at a Safe Distance. SPSD Staff Development, Saskatoon Public Schools, Saskatoon, SK.
Banting, N. (2020, March). Now What?!? Living With Student Thinking. GSCS Secondary Math Cohort, Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools, Saskatoon, SK.
Banting, N. (2020, February). Teaching on the Hinges of the Immediate Present. Margaret Sinclair Memorial Award Lecture, Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, ON.
Banting, N. (2020, February). Hotdogs and the Future of Mathematics Education. The MathEd Forum at the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, ON.
Banting, N. (2020, February). A Gallery Walk Down Memory Lane. The MathEd Forum at the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, ON.
Banting, N. (2019, October). Habits of a Hidden Curriculum of Leadership. Briercrest College and Seminary Alumni Lecture, Briercrest College and Seminary, Caronport, SK.
Banting, N. (2019, October). Instigating Algebraic Decision Making. EMTH300: Curriculum Content in Secondary Mathematics I, University of Regina, Regina, SK.
Banting, N. (2019, March). Teaching Groups in Mathematics Class. Art of Teaching Series, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.
Banting, N. (2019, January). The Dress is Blue: Mathematics, Teaching, and the Viral Meme Movement. Invited Public Lecture, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and the Department of Curriculum Studies, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.
Banting, N. (2018, March). Building Number Sense with Low-Tech Dynamic Number Lines: Leading from the Classroom Math Workshop. Saskatoon Public Schools, Saskatoon, SK.
Banting, N. (2017, July). Attending to Saskatchewan’s Ambitious Goals in Mathematics Education. Afternoon Session at the Saskatchewan Principal’s Short Course, Department of Educational Administration, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.
Banting, N. (2017, July). Attending to Saskatchewan’s Ambitious Goals in Mathematics Education. Morning Session at the Saskatchewan Principal’s Short Course, Department of Educational Administration, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.
Banting, N., & Yaganiski, B. (2016, June). 16 Boxes. Saskatoon Public Schools’ Middle Years Math Community Meeting, Saskatoon, SK.
Banting, N., & Vincent, S. (2016, January). Large Whiteboards. Saskatoon Public Schools’ Middle Years Math Community Meeting, Saskatoon, SK.
Banting, N. (2014, February). Whiteboarding. EMTH450: Post Internship Seminar in Secondary Mathematics, University of Regina, Regina, SK.
Banting, N. (2012, November). Formative Assessment: Examples in High School Mathematics. Secondary Assessment Symposium, Saskatchewan Professional Development Unit, Saskatoon, SK.
Conference \ Invited Presentations
Banting, N. (2020, April). Teaching Algebraic Flexibility. Virtual OAME 2020 Annual Conference, Ontario Association for Mathematics Education.
Banting, N. (2018, May). Teaching Mathematics with Open Tasks. 45th OAME Annual Conference, Ontario Association for Mathematics Education, Toronto, ON.
Pai, J., Overwijk, A., & Banting, N. (2018, May). How Did You Visual Pattern? Exploring HOW We Do what We Do. 45th OAME Annual Conference, Ontario Association for Mathematics Education, Toronto, ON.
Banting, N., & Vashchyshyn, I. (2017, October). Planning to Teach in Collaborative Classrooms. Saskatchewan Understands Mathematics 2017, Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers’ Society, Saskatoon, SK.
Banting, N. (2017, October). Teaching Mathematics with Open Tasks. MCATA Fall Conference, Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association, Edmonton, AB.
Banting, N., & Simmt, E. (2017, October). Problem Drift: Teaching Curriculum With(in) a World of Emerging Significance. Research Report Presentation at the 39th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Indianapolis, IN.
Banting, N. (2017, June). Problem Drift: Imaging Emerging Curricular Significance. Poster presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group, Montreal, QC.
Chernoff, E., & Banting, N. (2016, November). Not “Is,” What “Are” the Probabilities that the Third Card Drawn is a King? Saskatchewan Understands Mathematics 2016, Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers’ Society, Saskatoon, SK.
Banting, N. (2016, October). Fraction Talks: New Possibilities from the Area Model. MCATA Fall Conference, Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association, Canmore, AB.
Banting, N. (2015, October). Group Whiteboarding: Overcoming 8 ½ by 11 Mathematics. Joint Conference of the Mathematics Council of the ATA and the ATA Science Council, Edmonton, AB.
Banting, N. (2015, May). Group Whiteboarding: Overcoming 8 ½ by 11 Mathematics. Saskatchewan Understands Mathematics 2015, Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers’ Society, Saskatoon, SK.
Banting, N. (2012, May). Proper Workspace for Workplace: PBL in Saskatchewan Classrooms. Saskatchewan Understands Mathematics 2012, Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers’ Society, Saskatoon, SK.
Banting, N. (2012, April). Beyond the Graphing Calculator. 2012 Teachnology Conference, Saskatoon Public Schools, Saskatoon, SK.