
Invited ∩ Conference Presentations

Banting, N. (2024, May). The Mathematical Brilliance of Bending Rules. Featured session at the OAME Annual Math Conference 2024, Ontario Association for Mathematics Education, Kingston, ON.

Banting, N. (2024, May). The Mathematical Power of Building to Specifications. Workshop at the OAME Annual Math Conference 2024, Ontario Association for Mathematics Education, Kingston, ON.

Banting, N. (2023, October). The Floor is Lava: Creating Mathematical Possibility by Constraining Mathematical Possibility. Keynote address at the 2023 MTA October Conference, Mathematics Teachers’ Association of the Nova Scotia Teachers’ Union, Halifax, NS

Banting, N. (2023, October). Planning Vibrant Math Lessons by Focusing on Mathematical Decision Making. Workshop at the 2023 MTA October Conference, Mathematics Teachers’ Association of the Nova Scotia Teachers’ Union, Halifax, NS

Banting, N. (2023, October). In Search of the Basics of Mathematics Teaching and Learning. Keynote address at the 50e Session de Perfectionnement, Groupe des Responsibilites en Mathematique au Secondaire, Victoriaville, QC.

Banting, N. (2023, October). The Floor is Lava: Creating Mathematical Possibility by Constraining Mathematical Possibility. Keynote address at the Manitoba Association of Mathematics Teachers PD Day, Winnipeg, MB.

Invited \ Conference Presentations

Banting, N. (2024, April). I suppose We Should Talk about Assessment. SJR Professional Development Day, St. John’s-Ravenscourt School, Winnipeg, MN.

Banting, N. (2024, March). Mathematics Memes: A Look at Society’s Viral Relationship with Mathematics. Invited talk at the SWOAME Math and Pizza Night, South Western Ontario Association for Mathematics Education, Windsor, ON.

Banting, N. (2023, November). Planning Vibrant Math Lessons by Focusing on Mathematical Decision Making. SJR Professional Development Day, St. John’s-Ravenscourt School, Winnipeg, MN.

Banting, N. (2023, October). The Floor is Lava: Creating Mathematical Possibility by Constraining Mathematical Possibility. Featured session at the Regina Teachers’ Convention. Regina Public School Teachers’ Association, Regina, SK.

Banting, N. (2022, October). The Mathematical Power of Building to Specifications. 2022 Manitoba Teachers’ Society Professional Development Day, Manitoba Association of Math Teachers, Winnipeg, MB.

Banting, N. (2022, February). Building Mathematical Connections with a Decision-rich Practice. Burnaby District Day, Burnaby School District #41, Burnaby, BC.

Banting, N. (2022, February). Developing Decision Makers with Menu Math. OCDSD Staff Development Series, Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, Ottawa, ON.

Conference \ Invited Presentations

Banting, N. (2020, April). Teaching Algebraic Flexibility. Virtual OAME 2020 Annual Conference, Ontario Association for Mathematics Education.

Banting, N. (2018, May). Teaching Mathematics with Open Tasks. 45th OAME Annual Conference, Ontario Association for Mathematics Education, Toronto, ON.

Pai, J., Overwijk, A., & Banting, N. (2018, May). How Did You Visual Pattern? Exploring HOW We Do what We Do. 45th OAME Annual Conference, Ontario Association for Mathematics Education, Toronto, ON.