A collection of images, prompts, and ideas designed to sponsor talk and action with fractional concepts. The site includes suggestions for how to use in the classroom, and examples of how Fraction Talks have been used in classrooms around the globe. Available at www.fractiontalks.com |
Fraction Talks: Using the Area Model to Its Full Potential. This webinar talk was a part of the Virtual Math Summit 2019; full video recap will be available after the summit in July 2019. Materials available in this Google folder. |
A collection of short, 6-second videos showing various math concepts in motion. Growing patterns (linear and quadratic), polynomial factoring, ambiguous case triangles, and other mathematical visuals. Available in this Google Folder |
Middle years fundamentals embedded into ten classroom games. The book is designed to be downloaded, printed, and distributed. Topics include basic operations, integers, fractions, factors, equations, order of operations, and strategy. Available for download here. |
An ongoing curation of web resources of interest to the teaching and learning of mathematics. Available here. |
Descriptions, assessment tools, and logistical files for a collection of projects. Read the rationale behind their creation here. Files (available for download here) can be edited to fit your classroom context. Concepts include surface area, volume, scale, data analysis, and budgeting. An amazing elaboration on this work can be found here. [Credit to Ilona Vashchyshyn] |